Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Art Show at the Chamber of Commerce

Today's adventure was at the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, featuring art by Rod McGee (sp). Sorry Rod.  Beautiful, big bright oil paintings.  The artist was a very nice personable guy.  His painting averaged about $4000/each, just a little above my budget. 



These shoes belonged to a cute little lady who was probably at least 75 years old. 
She was delighted when I asked to take a picture of her shoes.  She collects shoes and said
she loved it when she could dress up and wear them.

Next we headed down to the River Walk for dinner, where fun was being had by all.
Don't know these ladies, but they were having a ball.

Then there was some kind of Mariachi shift change and I was ...uh....um.....well......hugged? by this guy.  The one on the left.  I was so flustered, I couldn't get a decent picture at all.  Most action I have had in a loooong time.  I think maybe he had a few too many shots of tequila before his shift.

On that note, I will end with a few shots downtown around the Riverwalk.


  1. Was that lady seriously 75 in those shoes! It wasn't.... wait I vowed never to think about her ever again. Those are some bright lively colors in the paintings and I like the shots of downtown.

  2. The mariachi guy love you Oz!! Too bad we couldn't get a good photo of that!

  3. The nice thing about Texas men, in general, they flirt and seem to like women with some "meat on their bones". This guy went way beyond flirting though.
